Issuing invitations to the wedding, how and when?
It 'worth thinking about for shares with at least two / three months prior to the date fixed for the wedding, certainly after confirming definitively the date and time of the ceremony and the place of receipt.
Investments will be then sent so that they arrive at their destination 30 days in advance of the wedding date.
It 'good to keep in mind that if the marriage is to be celebrated on a date close to holiday periods, it would be good to send the investments so they can reach the recipient with 7-9 weeks in advance.
If you wish to announce their marriage only when it has already occurred, the investments will be shipped the same day of the wedding.
The etiquette teaches us that are traditionally the bride's parents to have to deal with all of the investments and the printed part of the outfit. But this is not to be considered a strict rule: often, the couple themselves decide on their own how to announce that, after all, is always their wedding!
According to tradition (which coincides with our tastes) investments must have a classic style: the cardboard support heavy white or ivory, smooth, written or slightly worked, possibly enriched in the cut, is to be printed in "italics English" ( or at least in a very classic character) ink color gray, sepia or blue. According to the etiquette of the word plot is simple formalities in fact, marriage is the more formal event of married life.
For those who wish an object less rigorous, the cards are allowed in pale colors, worked with swings or dry relief. A very elegant way to personalize their investments is to print, always dry, the initials of the names of the bride and groom.
We, by choice, not weighed down by excessive investments produce designs more or less romantic and witty: the wedding day is the most important part of life, to live with the proper solemnity.
Issuing invitations to the wedding.
The oldest traditions they wanted were the parents of the couple, through a cardboard printed book, to announce the marriage of their children. Today these rules you can safely disconnect: You can use the classical form, or they can be the bride and groom themselves to announce their marriage printing the participation of a cardboard book (to meet at least part of the traditions), or on a simple cardboard or album, eventually worked but always in moderation.
Another option is to print holdings on a sheet of A4 format.
Things to write on the participation of marriage are very brief and simple: the announcement by the parents, the names of the bride and groom, place the date and time of the ceremony, addresses.
Absolutely do not use academic titles, and you can use those noble. If the groom (or bride) is an orphan of a parent, the announcement will be made by a single parent. If the mother of one of the spouses has remarried widow, will attend with the last name of her second husband preceded by the maiden. The son or daughter will keep the course propio surname.
If the parents are separated but on good terms, may participate together (with his wife's maiden name), if they are not good relationship, it will make the announcement that the parent is or has been legally entrusted with the child.
E 'to be considered in bad taste to announce the marriage to the parents of children aged considerably more than thirty years!
If the ceremony was celebrated by a bishop you must write it in the text of participation: the date, time and place of the ceremony will be written the phrase "The Wedding Blessing will be given by SE Monsignor name, Bishop of .... "
If the spouses decide to announce their marriage alone the ad must be simple and clear, do not use academic titles, addresses are traditionally three: the two addresses of the couple before the wedding and the future direction of the married couple .
Only important for personal reasons is allowed to omit one or the other. The layout of the text is less strict and, to some extent, different variants are allowed.
If you decide to get married by the participation in the only direction that will bring common to the couple.
For the marriage between an Italian and a foreigner should be provided from the outset investments in Italian and in the mother tongue of the stranger. In this case it is tacky print on the same object entries in the two languages.
It 'correct to think of two separate kits, one for the guests of the Italian language and one for a different language.
If the ceremony was celebrated by a bishop you must write it in the text of participation: the date, time and place of the ceremony will be written the sentence: "The wedding blessing will be given by SE Monsignor name, Bishop of .... "
The wedding invitation is traditionally printed on a card to be inserted in the same envelope used to send the participation.
For this reason must respect the style.
It thus will use the same type of paper, the same character and the same color for printing.
The choice of card separate arose from the need to invite to lunch (dinner) or refresh only a part of the people who are sent their participation.
If you want to invite indiscriminately all the people who will receive the participation, you can choose to send the card anyway invitation or opt for a less traditional but equally correct: understanding the text of, and participation in.
By tradition, the fact that they were the parents of the bride to deal with these preparations, were themselves to invite guests, the most common formula the spouses also take care of the invitations.
Often at the foot of the invitation you put a sentence like: "Please welcome confirmation" or "RSVP".
Many strongly advised to remember the invitee to respond, (sometimes also spelled the date by which the response must come, especially when the wedding date is very close, or a phone number), others recommend to omit this sentence might seem to be a sign of discourtesy to an invitee which, if well educated answers, always.
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