The Weddingworld gives you the chance to get married in a European country that allows gay marriage, and then takes you to Italy for the festivities!
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Nowadays there are few states that recognize marriages Gay, and these are Spain, the latest, Sweden, the Netherlands and Belgium. To this list must then add the provinces that have agreed to this union, and these are Quebec and Manitoba in Canada and Massachusetts in the United States of America.
Many countries have strict rules rather than to the Gay marriages, let's see them in detail, continent by continent:

HOLLAND In March 2001, he joined a law allowing marriage Gay, one of the promoters fù the mayor of Amsterdam Iob Coben, on the day following the entry into force of this law, found himself to marry in a civil ceremony less than 4 pairs, 3 formed by man and man, woman and formed by two women. During the first month we were married over 350 same-sex couples. The new rules recognize homosexuals Dutch, after at least three years of living, the right to adopt children, as long as the Dutch, to avoid disputes with other countries.
BELGIUM Belgium is the third country after the Netherlands and Denmark to have authorized a marriage Gay. It 'was presented a text in the parliament, which was approved by the majority, since December 2002, this law came into force
ITALIAN still a law that allows the relationship between homosexuals or couples who live together without a marriage rite has not been approved. If you are under discussion in parliament for some time but there seems to be agreement among parliamentarians. Surely we will resend a short talk.
Croatia The Croatian Parliament adopted a law allowing same-sex couples the same rights as heterosexual couples. The law provides for the right of inheritance and the obligation of financial support within the couple.
FRANCE Since 1999, France has been approved PACS, or a civil pact of solidarity. This PACS represent all couples, both heterosexual and homosexual. These PACS allow to report the income in common, more easily obtain and apartments for rent get discount on inheritance tax. Finally, the PACS regularize both the beginning and the end of a relationship.
GERMANY The law on homosexual unions, can be officially registered as a couple in the town hall and have rights of inheritance of the companion. Gay couples also may adopt a child even by artificial insemination.
GREAT BRITAIN 18 November 2004 - Britain passed a law that recognizes gay and lesbian couples the same rights as married couples.
FINLAND Since 2002 it is possible to read the civil union of two people, but only if you are at least 18 years. This law also recognizes almost all marriage rights, divorce adoption
ICELAND Since 1996, laws were passed in marriage to registered same-sex couples. Today was also approved a law on the adoption of the children of the partner.
LUXEMBOURG Homosexual couples can officially register in the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg by a notary. The law has no influence on the adoption and transmission of the surname.
NORWAY Homosexual couples can legally register their relationships. PORTOGALLOE 'approved a law on legal rights and tax cuts to homosexual couples who have lived together for more than two years. Do not allow the adoption.
SPAIN The parliament passed a law regarding unions that puts same-sex couples legally almost on the same level as heterosexuals.
SWEDEN The Swedish Parliament has approved a law in 1994 that regulates the coexistence of homosexuals and which provides for equality of rights and responsibilities as heterosexual couples sposate.SVIZZERASul model of the French PACS also the Grand Council of the Canton of Zurich approves something, recognize the same-sex couples many of the rights enjoyed by couples sposate.UNGHERIA
It 'a law that gives same-sex couples the same rights as heterosexuals, except to adopt children. With this law there is no distinction between heterosexual and homosexual
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